Thursday 3 November 2016

Italian Political Science Review Special Issue: "The 2014 European Parliament Elections: Representation, Euroscepticism, Populism and the Economic Crisis"

IPSG members Arianna Giovannini, Laura Polverari and Antonella Seddone have recently edited a special edition of the Italian Political Science Review, entitled "2014 European Parliament Elections: Representation, Euroscepticism, Populism and the Economic Crisis". 

The collection originates from a one-day conference which took place at the University of Strathclyde, and was kindly hosted by the EPRC, in January 2015. The event was organised by the guest editors under the aegis of the IPSG, with the support of the PSA specialist groups fund. 

The Special Issue is avaialable at this link, and includes the following articles: 

Arianna Giovannini, Laura Polverari, Antonella Seddone

Marinella Belluati

Stefano Rombi 

Gabriela Borz

Fabio Sozzi

Pedro Riera and Luana Russo

Manuela Caiani and Paolo R. Graziano

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